90 min to All day Mini Retreats: Individually Curated Experiences


A Sacred Healing Container

This is a space for JUST YOU! We take the time to get to understand your areas of need and allow for your body to be addressed on a molecular level as well as creating a neuroplastic state for your brain.

Have you been stuck managing the tediousness of life and lost a bit of yourself along the way? Do you find yourself numbing or escaping with substance, devices or busyness? Have you been seeing that there is a need for change and not sure why you can’t get it done? Is there persistent pain, even medical issues going unaddressed fully?

This is where you have the ability to grow and leave old patterns behind to produce cellular cleansing, tissue regeneration, pain relief, improved sleep and stress reduction. This is a shame free space. No judgements here…only acceptance for who you are and where you are along this part of your journey in this life.

Somatic Healing


Sound Bed Healing (BioAcousticMat)

Intuitive Healing




Plant Medicine Guidance

Intension Setting

Creating Mindfulness Skills

Mind/Body Path